Queen’s Chapel United Methodist Church

Caregivers Support Ministry

The QC Caregiver Support Ministry Provides Spiritual and emotional support to individuals caring for their loved ones. It offers online Caregiver webinars featuring healthcare professionals, informational materials, and resources to assist current and future caregivers.

Caregivers Support

We understand the challenges and rewards of caregiving and are here to support you. Join our virtual Caregivers Support Group, a safe and welcoming space where you can connect with others who share similar experiences, find encouragement, and exchange helpful tips. Join Our Caregivers Meeting on the 2nd Saturday of each month.

Click the Zoom button below to access our weekly support meeting. You can also join by phone using the meeting ID and password provided.

Meeting Information

Zoom Link: Join the Meeting

Phone Number: 750.287.9040

Password: Gj6KaNMXrhqNgzxmib1Bo5GValalPq.1

We look forward to seeing you there and walking alongside you on this journey.

ShaRon Conway, Chairperson
Email – QCCaregivers@gmail.com
Phone (301) 221-1677